Conventional Wisdom

by Assorted buffoons.

Updated Monday, Wednesday, and Friday

First comic Previous comic



20, Apr. 2003:

Hey, you.  Yes, you who just looked up "Dragonball z comic sex strips".  I just wanted to ask.  Do you cry yourself to sleep every night?  In those warm Carolina afternoons, after school when you're mom's not there and you're "discovering" yourself while watching Super Saiyan Penis Level 4 attacks, do you ever just stop and think, "maybe this is why I get my ass kicked at school every day."?


5, Apr. 2003:

Well shit.  Just when I'd written off keenspace's DNS servers.  I suppose that means I have to find some paper and my pencil.


21, Jan. 2003:

Miss us? Looks like keenspace has worked out the bugs on the servers. So let's hear a "woo!" for that. Unless you've seen the comic before then let's hear a "oh the humanity!" for that. I like to call today's strip "WTF? The site's working again" scramble to make something. Regular strips to come, maybe, sometime in the future. We'll see.
Happy new year too.

19, Nov. 2002:

Here's Monday's strip. I tried to update this last night before bed, but the site was down again. We know the site goes down more than a co-ed at a frat party, but we've been assured that the tech people at KeenSpace are working on this as we speak. It should be working fine between now and the second coming.

So just bare with us, and keep checking randomly throughout the day, and you'll get your daily fix of our little strip. And if you're really that desperate to read this comic, may I suggest a good therapist?

15, Nov. 2002:

How you doin? Yes! Adobe products are now my bitch! At least the three I use to create the strip.

In response to my colleague’s comment over there about having the art we want: We don't. At least I don’t. I want the art to be better, more consistent. But at the same time I don’t want to use the PvP method of drawing cartoons. But that’s one of the goals for Conventional Wisdom: to improve.

Does anyone actually read this? Besides Mark and I, that is. If you read the strip, send me some e-mail. Send hate mail to Mark. He loves hate mail.

And just a quick note about Wednesday’s strip. Mr. Clay is a real person. He is obsessed with Dragonball Z, and he does want to have “luscious man-boobs.” He’s an odd little man. Well, not that little, but 6’ tall is little for me. And yes, he really talks like that.

To sum up:
Email: good! Art: bad!
Thank you.

15, Nov. 2002

Hey all, just dropping in a quicki-post (who needs the quicki-post?) to fill up my blank space in the author box here. For anybody who’s intimately curious, yes Conventional Wisdom does have an actual plotline. Yeah, I am scripting it as we speak. It takes a bit longer than random noise though, so it’ll premiere once January hits.

Up until that time, both Jamie and myself are going to be scripting various filler episodes. Not only do they serve a purpose by giving us actual content, hopefully we’ll get all the kinks worked out. The art’s what we want, the story’s what we want, now we just have to worry about taming the she-devil of technology.

Generally you can tell the difference between our styles in the following way: if it’s funny and has a punch line, Jamie wrote it. If it’s filled with bizarre language such as ‘gelatin filled urinal cake’ or ‘anthropomorphic nostril stuffer’, then I probably wrote it.

Conventional Wisdom is hosted on Keenspace, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.